Wednesday, October 21, 2015

But back away from the water, babe, you might drown

Halloween is in the air and with it, all the creepy ghoulishness that we love to celebrate this time of year.  It doesn't have to make sense in fact, it makes it all that more creepy if it doesn't.  In that way it'll tend to bug you as your mind tries to make sense of it.  In the spirit of that I am posting the below video.  This music video to me was honestly creepy.  I understand the meaning behind it and all but the scene in the motel parking lot is just unnerving and doesn't make complete sense to me.  I could probably bullshit some meaning behind it but in the end, it has just the right amount of elusiveness to bother one's mind as to what is actually going on.  At any rate I love it and decided to post it here.

However, while on the topic of Halloween, I actually have a Halloween costume prepared in advance this year!  Yay! (jumps up and down clapping).  It's been a couple years since I've done a couple's costume but this year it all worked out and I am proud to announce that I will be Cersei Lannister while the bf is Jaime.  I think it's pretty funny so of course had to do it.  I love creative costumes always and this fit that bill while being a costume both of us will enjoy donning October 31st.

Also, guess what!  I'm adopting two new cats.  Pictures and details will be posted this weekend since that is when I am getting them.  I am taking in a mother cat and her kitten.  I have names picked and everything but will not be announcing that until I make their official post.  More on them later but just had to share that tidbit.

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