Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mr. and Mrs. Beautiful

The Workday Release is an artist that I ran across recently and I have ended up loving their music.  This song is the one that I really love although all their songs are pretty.   This artist isn't super well known yet either so I am really glad to have found this little gem. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Every Time I look for You

So recently I've been talking to an old friend.  Actually, this person is an ex of mine.  We dated for a couple years and then he broke up with me because he decided I wasn't his "perfect girl".  Since then he's been dating a girl for a little over a year. 
We are over each other and now every now and then I give him relationship advice since I know him really well and can help him sort out any issues he's having.  Recently, now that he's been with this other girl a while, he's finding similar reasons to break up with her that he had with me.  They aren't the same reasons he had with me, but they are small things yet again.  Let me tell you, if he keeps the way he's going he's never going to be happy with anyone and here is why.
He has this image of his perfect girl and instead of focusing on what he loves about his girl he lets the little imperfections gnaw at him and skew his view of the relationship because she doesn't meet this expectation he has. 
Our recent conversations have had me thinking about relationships and the expectations versus realities.  Reality is, you won't ever find the "perfect" person, but you do learn to love them just as they are.  Not every relationship is meant to be but if you have a great person and let little things get in the way, it's going to ruin every relationship you have. 
I feel like in this world a lot of people do this because we are constantly fed images of a "perfect couple" in movies and media.  People are raised thinking that when it's meant to be then no issues will be present and it will be the honeymoon phase forever.  A happy relationship is wonderful, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't take work and compromise to enjoy it.  I'm completely happy in my current relationship but no, it is not exactly how I pictured a perfect relationship.  The truth is, I'm happier with it being different than what I pictured and I wouldn't have it any other way because I love my boyfriend exactly the way he is and if he did act how I pictured a perfect relationship he wouldn't be him and honestly, I may not even like our relationship as much.  In the end, my relationship with him has become my perfect relationship. 
Think about it.  You are taking two completely different people with different backgrounds, experiences, and personalities and combining their lives into one.  That alone indicates that there will be rough patches and adjusting to do on both parts.
I am not condoning lowering standards though.  Standards you have should be maintained and you should know what you won't budge on when it comes to what you expect from a relationship.  There are always things that you need in a relationship that are dealbreakers if they aren't present.  However, when it comes to the little stuff, people need to stop dwelling on what doesn't match up with their image and be happy with what they do have.  The world isn't perfect so it's no surprise that the people in it aren't either.